Spinal Decompression

Back and neck pain are two of the most common issues people experience throughout their lifetime. In fact, at any given time, nearly 31 million people in the U.S. are experiencing lower-back pain. Additionally, back pain is one of the most common reasons cited for missing work, which is why it’s important to understand your back pain and how spinal decompression could be a good treatment option.

Common Spinal Disorders

Neck and back pain can arise for several different reasons. In some cases, chronic pain may be caused by a spinal disorder. The most common spinal disorders treated with spinal decompression are:

Lumbar Sprain/Strain

One of the most common causes of lower back pain are lumbar muscle strains and ligament sprains. When the back muscles are abnormally stretched too far a strain may occur, and overextending the ligaments may result in a sprain. Both conditions can be extremely painful and make it difficult to perform everyday tasks.

Lumbar Disc Herniation Injury

A majority of people will experience lower back pain at some point in their life, and several may also experience low back and leg pain caused by a herniated disc. Each spinal disc contains two main parts–a soft inside layer and hard outside layer.

Discs herniate when the the soft inside layer herniates outside of the hard outer part. This puts pressure on sensitive spinal nerves which causes pain, numbness or weakness in one or both legs.


Sciatica is a common form of low-back and leg pain; however, it is usually a symptom rather than a diagnosis. The term means a patient is suffering from persistent pain along the sciatic nerve pathway.

Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease

Degenerative disc disease is not really a disease. Rather, it is a term used to describe the aging process of the spinal discs. We use our lower back in almost every movement, and the lumbar discs located in this area help us to flex, bend and twist.

As we age, the soft tissue between the vertebrae, known as discs, can break down and degenerate, causing pain. Because this area does not have its own blood supply, it cannot repair itself like other tissues in the body.

What is Spinal Decompression Therapy?

Luckily, most common spinal disorders (aside from those involving fractures) can be treated with spinal decompression therapy, a treatment used for several different spinal disorders. In recent years, non-surgical options have been cleared by the FDA as a non-invasive treatment to relieve pain.

Non-surgical decompression consists of several treatment cycles. Each treatment cycle consists of decompression (or traction) and partial relaxation. These cycles promote the diffusion of water, oxygen and nutrient-rich fluids from the outside of the spinal discs to the inside.

This helps torn, damaged and degenerated disc fibers heal and become strong again. Spinal decompression is almost always paired with rehab to correct biomechanics, increase muscular endurance and stretching tight muscles. With consistent treatment, decompression can help several spinal conditions become more manageable.

Spinal Decompression at 5280 Cryo Recovery Clinics

At 5280 Cryo, we strive to help our patients recover and reduce pain with a consistent routine of proven treatments. We offer non-surgical decompression therapy for several spine disorders, including bulging discs, herniated discs, pinched nerves, sciatica, radiating arm pain, degenerative disc disease, leg pain, facet syndrome and other neuromuscular and skeletal disorders.

Ready to eliminate your back and neck pain? Schedule your first decompression session today!